The anonymous imageboard community remembered the Iron Lady with their usual tact and reverence.
The anonymous imageboard community remembered the Iron Lady with their usual tact and reverence.
The man in the white baseball hat, whose photo the New York Post published while suggesting he was a target of the Boston bombing investigation, has been cleared.
Investigators probing the deadly Boston Marathon bombings are circulating photos of two men spotted chatting near the packed finish line, The Post has learned.
In the photos being distributed by law-enforcement officials among themselves, one of the men is carrying a blue duffel bag. The other is wearing a black backpack in the first photo, taken at 10:53 a.m., but it is not visible in the second, taken at 12:30 p.m.
Now that the FBI have photos of their two main suspects, we can sort through the five people Reddit and 4chan were convinced had something to do with Monday’s bombing.
He was running away from the scene of the explosion. Also, The Daily Mail picked up the theory.
Amateur pictures taken by someone in a nearby office building may show the man responsible running away from the scene - though this is only speculation.
'I went to the window and I was looking in the direction of the finish line. I saw simultaneously a runner go down, a huge explosion, and then a deafening roar,' Benjamin Thorndike said. 'I had my camera in my hand, and I just pushed the rapid-shutter button down and just took 25 pictures over the course of what felt like a long time, but I think it was only 15 or 20 seconds.'
The lesson here is you should never ask Weibo users to make you look cooler in a photograph.
There’s a very good chance that the internet’s favorite show might go the way of “The Harlem Shake” or planking.
Without too much effort, you can find Arrested Development GIFs and pictures organized into almost every conceivable order and theme you can think of.
The first DVDs of Arrested Development shipped to homes in the fall of 2004. By the end of 2006, DVDs of the original three season run had been distributed to fans all over the world. After the show's cancellation, those DVDs were especially important — they were the only tools fans had to fuel a fanatic screencap culture driven by a sense that with enough enthusiasm and devotion, they could will their little critically-acclaimed TV show back to life.
That two-year period between 2004 and 2006 is an interesting one in terms of online culture. Myspace was still a few years off from becoming a dominant social network, hitting peak user numbers in 2008, and Facebook wasn't yet a force for sharing. Facebook wasn't even available to people who didn't have a college email until the end of 2006.
Instead, an unregulated meme culture was growing at an exponential rate. Messageboard users were sharing early versions of what we now classify as "viral content." That usually meant usually weird songs, clunky flash cartoons, terrible GIFs and more than anything, silly images.
Thanks to the anonymous image board, a 39-year-old man named Charles is currently in first place in a contest to to meet his favorite pop star. NSFWish
• Tell us in 137 characters or less why you are Taylor Swift's biggest fan. You'll get tickets to her sold out show PLUS meet her! (all entries must end with #ad by default)
• You will receive a unique URL that you can post on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or blog - wherever people will see it - get your friends and family to vote for you!
• The eligible person with the most votes once verified will win and get hooked up for the Taylor Swift concert at Gillette Stadium.
“Great pizza, ask for the special white sauce.” NSFWish
Oh, this will end well.
If you see #CureForMiley online today, it’s fake.
Ohio University student and sorority sister Rachel Cassidy had to delete all of her social media accounts after she was labeled a “false rape accuser” and flooded by threatening messages.
Peter Nolan refers to himself as the public face of Crimes Against Fathers, a site he runs with an anonymous partner who goes by the online handle John Rambo.
For the last two years or so, he's been using Crimes Against Fathers to "name and shame" women who he believes commit perjury against men, usually in cases involving rape allegations, pedophilia, and divorce.
"It's a site that men could come to had they been a victim of a crime," he says, speaking with BuzzFeed via Skype from his current home in Germany. "The family courts are used to destroy men like this."
He got involved with the site after fighting and winning two perjury cases against his ex-wife during their divorce. The process, he says, made him feel suicidal.
Nolan first learned of the alleged sexual assault on a sidewalk during Ohio University's homecoming when he saw a video of it on 4Chan. Users on 4Chan were outraged over the footage that was uploaded to viral video site World Star Hip Hop Uncut. It showed over a minute of an extended recording of the alleged rape. Users were furious that it didn't look like the sexual assault Ohio law enforcement was reporting it as.
"This kid Vance, I think he's 18 or 19, was pillared in the Daily Mirror for not helping the quote rape victim," Nolan says of Vance Blanc, the student who reportedly filmed the now-infamous video of the public sex act. "But when the video came out, whoever the woman is, is clearly not being raped."
Have you always been curious about 4Chan, but too afraid to go? Let me be your guide. (Safe for work, believe it or not.)
Via / Flickr: 14723335@N05
Via / Flickr: aperture_lag
Via / Flickr: 23848027@N06
Via / Flickr: 60532802@N07
Much informative. Very knowledge. Such facts.
It appears as though he’s okay, however.
If you haven’t heard yet, a bikini bridge is when a woman is so skinny her hip bones lift the front of her bikini up when she lies down.
Phase 1:
The premise is simple. Create propaganda parading the "bikini bridge" to be the best big thing... Circulate it throughout the Internet. Simultaneously, we create reverse propaganda, denouncing the bikini bridge as an unhealthy obsession. This, too, we circulate through the Internet. Our mission during phase 1 is to garner support for these social outlets. The more followers/subscribers the better.Phase 2:
After a fair amount of circulation has been accomplished, we circulate the images throughout parts of the Internet know to be biased on the subject of weight (i.e. thin privilege, fat shaming, etc.). This should cause large enough of a stir to snowball into a fairly big subject.
Cicada 3301 is a mysterious organization posting highly complex puzzles across the net. After two years, the answer may finally be in sight.
He knew it was an example of digital steganography: a way of hiding an encoded message in an image. A sender might, for example, start with an innocuous image file and adjust the color of every 100th pixel to correspond to a letter in the alphabet.
Eriksson tried decoding 3301's message. After only a few minutes work he'd got somewhere: a reference to "Tiberius Claudius Caesar" and a line of meaningless letters.
One of the big problems with hashtag activism is you’re never sure if it’s genuine or not.
Anonymous image board 4chan has a section called /pol/. Sometime around Thursday or Friday of last week, users on /pol/ decided to try and get the hashtag #EndFathersDay trending on Twitter. Users at the time compared it to similar fake activism tags like #WhitesCantBeRaped, which, as a quick search on Twitter reveals, appears to have been a failed prank attempted last week.
The above account was debunked by David Futrelle, the writer behind the men's rights activist watch-blog, Man Boobz. Futrelle tracked the account's avatar to a stock photo website. Also, as Futrelle points out, in her Twitter bio, "Phoebe Kwon" spelled her hometown wrong. / Via
It looks like Twitter’s social justice community is cleaning house in a big way at the moment.
4chan attempted to encourage women to share their own nude photos using the #LeakForJLaw hashtag on Twitter. It didn’t work.
Danny Moloshok / Reuters
Security researchers say Apple may not be directly at fault in what some have called an “iCloud leak.” Key new features depend on a safe and secure cloud. Update: Apple says there is no wide iCloud breach.
Karl Mondon/Bay Area News Group / MCT
We wanted to provide an update to our investigation into the theft of photos of certain celebrities. When we learned of the theft, we were outraged and immediately mobilized Apple's engineers to discover the source. Our customers' privacy and security are of utmost importance to us. After more than 40 hours of investigation, we have discovered that certain celebrity accounts were compromised by a very targeted attack on user names, passwords and security questions, a practice that has become all too common on the Internet. None of the cases we have investigated has resulted from any breach in any of Apple's systems including iCloud® or Find my iPhone. We are continuing to work with law enforcement to help identify the criminals involved.
To protect against this type of attack, we advise all users to always use a strong password and enable two-step verification. Both of these are addressed on our website at