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Meet The Women You Call When Your Nude Photos Wind Up Online


Charlotte Laws takes a seat in Birmingham High School’s Sally Field Performing Arts Center. Outside the theater, it’s a bright and warm California spring morning. Inside, a small gathering of mostly senior citizens slowly drifts from the snack table into their seats for the town hall meeting. California Congressman Brad Sherman takes his place at the podium.

Sherman’s aides call Laws' name first. She steps out of her aisle seat and walks to the microphone facing Sherman’s podium. He shoots her a wide smile. Laws, a petite woman in her early fifties, launches into her well-rehearsed speech.

“My daughter was a victim of revenge porn,” Laws says, her voice carrying through the drowsy auditorium. "There are thousands of victims around the country; most of them are women. Revenge porn is when a nude or topless picture is posted on the internet without consent, along with the victim's name, city, workplace, social media link, and other identifying information. The goal is to humiliate a woman, ruining her life, and driving her to suicide.”

She’s not squeamish about the details, explaining that a handful of states already have revenge porn bills on the books, and another 22 states are currently working on them. “Will you be bold and take a stand on this issue?" she asks Sherman. "Can we count on you to introduce a law?”

Photograph by Todd Weaver for BuzzFeed

California’s first anti-revenge porn bill — a bill that Laws actually helped draft — was heavily criticized for not going far enough when it was passed last year. It made nonconsensually distributing explicit photographs a misdemeanor, but it didn’t apply to selfies. “With today's technology, people take as many pictures of themselves as they take of anyone else,” Sherman says pensively to the mostly gray-haired audience lounging placidly in the crowd. “It ought to be illegal nationwide, and it ought to apply to distributing that which should remain private, for the sole purpose of hurting somebody.”

After the meeting, Laws tries to grab the congressman’s attention. The crowd of people around him swells and all he’s able to do is shake Laws' hand and pose for a photo.

Laws and Sherman might never have had occasion to be in the same room together if not for Hunter Moore, the man whose website posted photos of Laws' daughter. Often called the King of Revenge Porn, Moore has been arrested following an FBI investigation. As he awaits his court date, those going after individuals who steal and share intimate photos are facing an increasingly unwinnable game of whack-a-mole; revenge porn is becoming less centralized, more common, and harder to trace.

After this week’s massive leak of nude photos, many of which appear to have been taken from over a dozen celebrities’ iCloud accounts, people are again asking: If this can happen to the likes of Jennifer Lawrence or Kate Upton, how are average women expected to track down — and take down — nude photos tweeted by an angry ex-boyfriend or posted to 4chan by an anonymous stranger? Can revenge porn be stopped?

Photograph by Todd Weaver for BuzzFeed

Larry Flynt Publications

Perhaps the precursor to modern revenge porn happened in the pages of a Hustler spin-off called Beaver Hunt in the '80s. Readers, many of whom now owned point-and-shoot cameras, provided Hustler with nude photos of a nonprofessional “model" — with her face visible — along with said woman's name, age, hobbies, and sexual fantasies. It didn’t take long for Hustler’s mostly male audience to realize they could submit stolen photos and Beaver Hunt would publish them. Several women who ended up in Beaver Hunt without their consent sued the magazine. In 1990, Sabrina Gallon, a woman from New York who ended up in Beaver Hunt without her consent, was awarded $30,000 in damages.

As the web has grown, the idea of covertly sharing other people’s naked photos has evolved right along with it. In the early days of dial-up, people began posting on Usenet, one of the first social networks, and, once again, began anonymously submitting intimate photos of women they knew. Users on the anonymous imageboard 4chan have taken the idea a lot further and turned it into a game, unearthing nude photos of random girls and matching them up with Facebook data, then passing them around on social media for fun. For girls they can’t find nude photos of, users who are good at Photoshop take requests and “X-ray” images, making fake ones.

In 2010, then-24-year-old high school dropout Hunter Moore started a website called Is Anyone Up. Moore, who was working odd jobs in the sex industry, decided to upload real and photoshopped nude photos and videos of men and women, connecting them to their Facebook pages and adding fake bios detailing his victim’s sex lives. Moore’s first victims were Myspace celebrities, Warped Tour-affiliated bands, and their fans. He would organize the pages so users could browse by city and state.

IsAnyoneUp.com in August of 2011


At the height of its popularity, Is Anyone Up was reportedly getting around 30 million views a month. Moore shut the site down in 2012, blaming server costs, women trying to attack him in public, and a lack of support from Facebook and PayPal. Moore’s revenge porn as a display of power philosophy had earned him legions of fans and thousands of copycats.

But by that point revenge porn no longer needed a hub. Moore moved with it, taking his whole online presence to Facebook and Twitter, and instead of posting stolen nudes, he started just retweeting the ones his fans would send him. Getting nudes sent straight to your phone became easier than ever.

According to The Pew Research Center, 20% of cell phone owners in 2014 reported receiving a sext from someone they knew, up 5% since 2012. A 2014 study from security software firm McAfee found that 50% of those surveyed had used their mobile device to share intimate content and 16% of those surveyed had sent sexual content to a complete stranger. The Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality has put that number as high as 70% for college students. Revenge porn thrives on open access — mobile messaging apps like Kik, Snapchat, and Instagram are only making the harassment more ubiquitous. There are teenagers using the web right now that have never known a version of high school without the looming threat of their most personal photographs going viral.

Photograph by Steven Kowalski

Charlotte Laws settles into a big chair in her living room. A tiny white dog named Sammy plays at her feet until he jumps up onto her lap. Her daughter Kayla putters in the kitchen. Her charming ranch-style home is at the top of a long, winding hill that overlooks the outer suburbs of Los Angeles. In the back is the office where she does most of her work and has the clutter to prove it.

“Women are really not that welcome on the internet,” Laws says with a sad chuckle. “I'm kind of amazed.”

It’s not an exaggeration to call Laws a leading expert on how much the internet hates women. She’s a women’s rights activist, former talk show host, and columnist, and she has a Ph.D. in social ethics. She’s also regularly contacted by women from all over the country about what to do when their intimate pictures end up online. She’s the revenge porn fixer, the Erin Brockovich of leaked nudes.

Photograph by Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed

The most common stories you hear about revenge porn are ones of jilted men who leak their ex-girlfriend’s naked photos. In reality, she says, it’s not always so personal. “One girl lost her cell phone and some guy from South America got it and posted her pictures off her phone onto the internet,” Laws says. “I got a call from a teacher who actually had to quit her job because of this whole thing. Some of the people are hacked, some of the people are photoshopped.”

On Jan. 10, 2011, Laws' then-24-year-old daughter Kayla, who at the time was pursuing an acting career, was at the restaurant where she waitressed when she got a phone call. It was a panicked friend who told her that her name, the city she lived in, and her Twitter handle were on Is Anyone Up. Next to her personal information was a topless photograph she took of herself and a slew of other intimate snapshots. She was confused and scared. She hadn’t sent the nude photos to anyone.

Kayla walked back into the restaurant and finished her shift, still crying. She soon discovered that her Is Anyone Up page was emailed to everyone in her workplace. Her boss threatened to fire her over it. She called her mom, distraught. Laws figured the pictures wouldn’t be too difficult to yank down — Kayla took them; she owned them. But Hunter Moore wasn’t paying any attention to takedown notices.

Over the next year, Laws gathered every piece of information she could find on Moore. She watched his Twitter feed closely. She got him kicked off Facebook. She had his PayPal account shut down. She even went so far as to call his mom’s workplace.

“I used to be a private investigator in the 1980s and I basically just started contacting anybody and everybody associated with him,” Laws says. “He was always aware of what I was doing, but he didn't know it was me." She laughs, noting that the irony of the situation is not lost on her.

Laws finally came face-to-face with her nemesis and his fans when she went undercover at one of his club nights at a hotel in Long Beach. “I had on white, pasty junk all over my face, a black wig, a beatnik cap, a velvet jacket,” she says, cringing. “I get out of my car, and guess who the first person I run into when I get out of my car is? Hunter Moore!”

Moore didn’t recognize her. She followed him and his friends into the run-down hotel. The place was packed, Laws says, except for the room Hunter was DJing in. “I couldn't believe how empty it was,” she says.

At the time, Laws says everyone was terrified of Moore and what he could do. There was an aura of unpredictability around him. It was rumored that he was a master hacker who could fill anyone’s computer with viruses. When Laws saw him in person, however, the reality was a lot different.

“So he starts out the gig and he has his cup of beer and he throws it into the air and messes up his laptop,” she says, laughing. “The whole evening he had trouble getting the music to play. It kept sputtering and it would stop.”

Laws’ one-woman investigation took its toll on Kayla, though. She became withdrawn. She abandoned acting. Now she’s hoping to start over working in real estate.

“She believes in the cause and she likes the fact that we've been able to help victims,” Laws says. “But on the other hand she doesn't like the fact that she's linked with this issue because she's worried that it could negatively impact her career in the future.”

Photography by Macey J. Foronda for BuzzFeed

One of the first revenge porn victims Laws was able to reach out to was a Houston-based yoga instructor named Melissa Riedel. On a Friday afternoon in 2011, the then-25-year-old was checking her Facebook when she noticed hundreds of friend requests rather than her usual one or two, many from guys in bands.

A day or so later, a producer for Anderson Cooper’s Anderson Live called her and told her she was featured on Is Anyone Up and that they were hoping she’d come on the show and talk about it. She checked out the site and discovered Moore had posted a topless photo of her along with a fake bio saying that she had slept with hundreds of rock musicians. “I had to deal with these random people from around the world sending me degrading, disrespectful messages and saying things that weren't true,” she says.

Anderson Live / Telepictures Productions

Cooper had Riedel and another Is Anyone Up victim, Daveeda Smith, confront Hunter Moore on the show. The women tried to explain to him how it felt to discover they were on his website. Moore didn’t back down.

“No one put a gun to your head and made you take these pictures. It's 2011, everything's on the internet,” Moore told them in between cuts to angry-looking members of the studio audience.

After the episode aired, Riedel received a Facebook message from Laws telling her about her investigation into Moore’s site. Moore claimed that all of the photos on Is Anyone Up were given to him in some capacity, which confused Riedel because she couldn’t remember giving anyone the topless photo Moore posted.

“Charlotte reached out to me and said that there's a possibility this guy was hacking into people's computers to retrieve their photos,” Riedel says. Sure enough, she had received messages from Yahoo saying that someone had tried to reset her password, right around the time her photo went up on Moore’s site.

Riedel was disillusioned. She says she appreciated Anderson Cooper’s desire to go after Hunter Moore, but after watching the episode, she believed it had been edited to give Moore the most screen time. “I kind of felt like my efforts were pointless,” she says. “I just went on there to expose myself for nothing.”

Laws was the only person who really seemed to have a plan about what to do. With the knowledge that she might have been hacked, Laws asked Riedel if she’d be comfortable putting her name on the FBI investigation. Riedel agreed.

“She is such an amazing and inspiring woman,” Riedel says of Laws. “She kind of took on this motherly role with me, and I felt very supported by her through all of this.”

By spring 2012, Facebook was blocking all links to Is Anyone Up and had disabled the "like" button on the page. Hunter Moore finally took the site down on April 19, 2012. A few days after that, Moore and Laws finally officially met for the first time during a heated interview on The Dr. Drew Show.

"Basically this is cyber rape; that's all it is," Laws said.

"I mean, cyber rape, that's way worse than real rape," Hunter shot back sarcastically. "I'm sorry your daughter was 'cyber raped,' but now she's educated on technology."

By the time Laws had left Dr. Drew, there were 20 viruses waiting for her in her email. She also started receiving death threats. When Is Anyone Up finally went down, Hunter Moore had amassed a pretty substantial fanbase who followed Moore’s tweets with a cultlike fervor. They call themselves “The Family," stylized on Twitter as #TheFamily, and after Dr. Drew they knew who Charlotte Laws was. Moore and his brand of revenge porn were not only cool, but a serious lifestyle choice. Laws and her one-woman crusade gained the same boost, though.

Holly Jacobs

Courtesy of Holly Jacobs

Dozens Of Photos Stolen From Actress Amber Heard Make Her Biggest Hack Victim Since Jennifer Lawrence


Update: Pictures rumored to be stolen from Emma Watson also turned out to be a viral hoax. The celebrities’ newly leaked photos come a few weeks after dozens of private pictures were stolen off of celebrities’ iClouds.

This story is developing.

Actress Amber Heard reportedly had up to 50 photos stolen from her personal collection, including one where she is holding a sign with a message to fiancé Johnny Depp.

Actress Amber Heard reportedly had up to 50 photos stolen from her personal collection, including one where she is holding a sign with a message to fiancé Johnny Depp.

The large amount of photos stolen from Heard may be the scandal's biggest invasion of privacy since Jennifer Lawrence.

Mario Anzuoni / Reuters

Rumors circulated on Monday that pictures stolen from actress Emma Watson would soon be released in the widening celebrity hack, though on Wednesday it turned out to be an elaborate viral hoax.

Rumors circulated on Monday that pictures stolen from actress Emma Watson would soon be released in the widening celebrity hack, though on Wednesday it turned out to be an elaborate viral hoax.

The source seemed to be Twitter user @IgnacioGordo, who tweeted a link to a countdown site, EmmaYouAreNext.com.

Mario Anzuoni / Reuters

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Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, Vanessa Hudgens et d'autres célébrités victimes d'une nouvelle fuite


De nouveaux clichés ont été diffusés, quelques semaines seulement après la fuite de photos privées de Jennifer Lawrence et bien d’autres.

Rihanna et Kim Kardashian se rajoutent à la liste des personnalités touchées depuis plusieurs semaines par une fuite de photos privées.

Rihanna et Kim Kardashian se rajoutent à la liste des personnalités touchées depuis plusieurs semaines par une fuite de photos privées.

Plusieurs photographies de la star nue sont apparues sur 4chan et Reddit le samedi 20 septembre. Ce sont à la fois des selfies et des snapchats pris par quelqu'un d'autre.

Getty Images / Neilson Barnard

Sur ses selfies volés, Kim Kardashian se tient nue dans une salle de bains, un Blackberry à la main. Elle ne porte pas d'alliance.

Sur ses selfies volés, Kim Kardashian se tient nue dans une salle de bains, un Blackberry à la main. Elle ne porte pas d'alliance.

Un porte-parole de Kim Kardashian — qui avait récemment posé nue pour le magazine britannique GQ — a refusé de répondre à BuzzFeed News.

De nouvelles photos de Jennifer Lawrence et Kaley Cuoco ont aussi été diffusées, et il semblerait que d'autres soient conservées pour une future publication.

Des dizaines de clichés personnels de stars comme Kate Bosworth, Lake Bell, Hayden Panettiere, et LeeLee Sobieski, à la fois nues et habillées, ont également fait surface, ainsi qu'une vidéo prétendument d'Aubrey Plaza.

Gus Ruelas / Reuters

L'actrice Gabrielle Union a publié un communiqué sur des photos privées d'elle qui se sont retrouvées sur 4chan, affirmant qu'elle et son mari Dwyane Wade ont contacté le FBI.

L'actrice Gabrielle Union a publié un communiqué sur des photos privées d'elle qui se sont retrouvées sur 4chan, affirmant qu'elle et son mari Dwyane Wade ont contacté le FBI.

Kevork Djansezian / Reuters

Ils ont écrit :

Il semblerait que des moments privés, partagés et supprimés uniquement par moi et mon mari, aient été diffusés par certains rapaces. Je ne peux pas m'empêcher de penser que depuis la nuit des temps des femmes et des enfants, surtout des femmes de couleur, ont été abusés, et dépossédés de leur propre corps. Ces atrocités contre les femmes et les enfants continuent à se produire dans le monde entier. À tous ceux qui sont aussi affectés par ce hacking et par d'autres crimes haineux, nous transmettons notre amour, notre soutien et nos prières. Nous n'avons rien fait de mal.

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Anna Kendrick, Jennifer Lawrence, Other Celebs Allegedly Targeted In Latest Photo Leak


The release Friday is apparently part of the massive leak that began in August and has continued with subsequent batches of photos making their way to the internet.

Getty Images for TRESemme Astrid Stawiarz

Getty Images Entertainment

Jason Merritt Getty Images Entertainment

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A Racist Gamer Group Has Been Posing As Baltimore Looters On Twitter


They are using the hashtag #BaltimoreLootCrew and old photos to “paint African Americans in a bad light.” BuzzFeed News talked to some of the trolls behind the stunt.

The racist group ColorCabal has been using social media in an attempt to make people think old photos represent looters in Baltimore.

For those who are unfamiliar, 8chan and 4chan are open message boards that often stage large-scale and highly offensive or destructive internet pranks and "cyberterrorism," including the misogynist GamerGate.

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This Is The Hashtag Racists Use To Falsely Accuse Black People Of Looting


The “lootcrew” trolls pop up on Twitter to make false and racist claims about looting.

When violent unrest broke out in Milwaukee after the fatal police shooting of 23-year-old Sylville Smith, Twitter became filled with tweets using the #MilwaukeeLootCrew hashtag to talk about looting, or to share photos of allegedly stolen goods.

When violent unrest broke out in Milwaukee after the fatal police shooting of 23-year-old Sylville Smith, Twitter became filled with tweets using the #MilwaukeeLootCrew hashtag to talk about looting, or to share photos of allegedly stolen goods.

Twitter / BuzzFeed

Tweets using the hashtag often included overtly racist messages from troll accounts:

Tweets using the hashtag often included overtly racist messages from troll accounts:

@CantBeStumped / Twitter / Via Twitter: @CantBeStumped

"Lootcrew" started in 2012 during Hurricane Sandy, when a group of online trolls called the Gay Nigger Association of America (GNAA) used #SandyLootCrew for tweets like these:

"Lootcrew" started in 2012 during Hurricane Sandy, when a group of online trolls called the Gay Nigger Association of America (GNAA) used #SandyLootCrew for tweets like these:

The image on the left is from a 2005 post to an online bulletin board; the image on the right has also been online since at least 2005.

Twitter / BuzzFeed

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Inside 4chan's Election Day Mayhem And Misinformation Playbook


In the weeks before election day, pro-Trump, alt-right trolls have leveraged the scale of social media to spread misinformation aimed at keeping Clinton voters away from the polls — most prominently by disseminating official-looking, but totally bogus, campaign ads that encourage people to vote for Clinton by text message. There's been a growing response to the pro-Trump misinformation campaign on Twitter and other social platforms — Twitter yesterday released an official video debunking the vote-by-text nonsense, for example. But get ready for even more, because the people behind them are hardly out of ideas.

Posts on 4chan's politically incorrect message board — a nerve center of the alt-right from which many of these posts appear to have originated — detail a multi-pronged campaign of election day social media deception and mayhem, intending to confuse, slow, and disenfranchise Clinton voters.

The first step in the campaign is to reinvigorate the "text to vote" campaign. Currently, texting "Hillary" to the phone number 59925, as the original fake ads urged voters to do, prompts a text reply reading "The ad you saw was not approved by Hillary For America in any way."

The trolls' solution? They now plan on releasing new ads instructing voters to text "GO to 47246 — the official Clinton text channel. It's a more savvy iteration on the earlier scam. That's because texting the "GO" command to that SMS shortcode prompts a reply from the Clinton campaign: "Thanks for being a part of the campaign!" As one 4chan poster pointed out "This sounds like it counted the vote."

Another major push being discussed on /pol is a series of ads, again done in the style of official Clinton campaign messaging, that encourages Clinton voters to demand paper ballots.

Playing on fears of Russian interference with American voting machines, these ads serve two purposes to the alt-right. The first, according to the designer of the ad, is to make sure that Clinton votes aren't counted multiple times by Soros-controlled voting machines, which plays to a false but commonly held conspiracy theory within the alt-right. "We know [George] Soros pretty much own a large part of the electronic voting machines in USA," wrote the poster. "We want to avoid their usage and promote the usage of paper ballots instead."

The second motivation for trying to trick Clinton voters into using paper ballots is far more straightforward: It's to make the process of voting more onerous.

Another hashtag campaign, #DraftOurDaugthers, was popularized by the alt-Right impresario Mike Cernovich, and 4chan is running with it. The ads, which also adopt official Clinton campaign branding, depict smiling girls and young women next to ominous messages about a coming military draft — an allusion to the right's criticism of Clinton as a warmonger. The effect, of course, is intended to frighten.

While some of these campaigns have already rolled out, there is frequent chatter on /pol about disseminating them heavily on election day. Wrote one poster [sic], "Yeah. We need to get this stuff ready...on election day and insert it into all of the twitter made forced hashtags, because we all know there's gonna be a paid for trending Hillary hashtag on November 8th... Alot of retarded libs would fall for this and not go out and vote. We need to make this happen on election day."

And in case there was any mistake about the targets of these ads, another poster made it clear:

"Remember remember the 8th of November,

When /pol/ shut down the black vote.

We all know that Twitter is the home of all black queens. They're dumb enough to fall for this shit too."

Disseminating false information about an election or a political campaign in this potentially violates a litany of state voting rights laws.

People On 4chan Appear To Be Having A Complete Meltdown Over The Election Right Now


It is not a great day for Trump’s anonymous fanboys. WARNING: This post contains graphic language.

There's no question that the anonymous members of 4chan's message board community have been hugely instrumental in Donald Trump's presidential campaign, but, as of Tuesday night, they're not exactly having a great time.

There's no question that the anonymous members of 4chan's message board community have been hugely instrumental in Donald Trump's presidential campaign, but, as of Tuesday night, they're not exactly having a great time.

4chan / Via Twitter: @oneunderscore__

Fair warning: Take pretty much everything on 4chan with a grain of salt, but right now, 4chan's /pol/ board — the one used for political discussions — is an absolute MESS. Many are claiming they couldn't figure out how to actually vote.

Fair warning: Take pretty much everything on 4chan with a grain of salt, but right now, 4chan's /pol/ board — the one used for political discussions — is an absolute MESS. Many are claiming they couldn't figure out how to actually vote.


Like a ton are sort of saying the same story.

Like a ton are sort of saying the same story.

4chan / Via Twitter: @_Cooper

The message board is inundated with this stuff.

The message board is inundated with this stuff.

4chan / Via Twitter: @herkzzz

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This Is How Facebook Is Radicalizing You


A sample of memes from far-right communities like Britain First, Sos racisme anti-blanc, Meninist Posts, 4chan, r/The_Donald, and United Patriots Front

Facebook / Reddit / 4chan / BuzzFeed

On December 17, 2013, Facebook announced that videos on your News Feed would start autoplaying. They would mute on default and, at the end of the video, it’d have a carousel featuring related videos you might want to watch. A few days later, on Christmas Day, rugby player Ross Samson uploaded a video from his family home in Edinburgh, Scotland. He looked into his cell phone camera and said, “I nominate all of you whose birthday it’s not. Merry Christmas," and then downed a bottle of beer in one gulp. It went viral and inspired the “neck and nominate” meme, which would eventually be known as “neknominate.”

The meme was a video chain letter. Once you were nominated, you’d have to chug a full bottle of beer on camera, and then nominate someone else — bros icing bros for the social video age. Things eventually spiraled out of control as people tried to one-up each other. By February 2014, at least five people had died in what were believed to be neknominate-related deaths.

If the neknominate mechanics sound familiar, it’s because it laid the groundwork for something much larger that appeared only a few months later: the Ice Bucket Challenge. After the neknominate craze, the meme grammar of video nominations floated around on social media for a while, largely participated in by athletes and sports fans.

Chris Kennedy, a golfer from Sarasota, Florida, was nominated in July 2014. Kennedy did the Ice Bucket Challenge, uploaded it on YouTube, tweeted it, and nominated his friend Jeanette Senerchia, whose husband was suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Senerchia posted a video response on her Facebook in what appears to be the explosive moment when ALS charities, the act of dumping ice water on yourself, and Facebook’s autoplaying video feature swirled together into a perfect storm. Over the summer of 2014, more than 2.4 million Ice Bucket Challenge videos were shared on Facebook and ALS charities received close to $100 million in donations.

From left: Ross Samson posting the first "neck and nominate" video, Chris Kennedy nominating Jeanette Senerchia for the Ice Bucket Challenge, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau participating in the meme several weeks later.

Ross Samson / Chris Kennedy / Dan Riedlhuber / Reuters

Some monumental things happened in global politics that year. The far-right UK Independence Party (UKIP) in Britain grabbed enough votes to gain major-party status for the first time. France’s far-right party, the National Front, pulled off a historic win and went from a fringe conservative movement to a serious political force. In the US, the tea party had successfully altered the Republican Party. That summer, the tea party unseated House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Later in the same year, ISIS announced a new massive media outlet that planned to use social media, particularly videos, as an aggressive recruitment tool. A culture shift was happening that we are only now seeing the effects of.

The sheer size of the impact of a meme like the Ice Bucket Challenge was the first big indication that Facebook had drastically changed the structure of popular culture. Two years later, we are finally beginning to see the consequences of this all around the world.

Donald Trump will enter the White House in January, Britain has voted to leave the EU, and ultra-conservative politician Rodrigo Duterte won the presidency in the Philippines. And before the end of next year, Austria, France, and Italy might be electing their own nationalist, populist, anti-EU leaderships. That leaves Angela Merkel as one of the few centrist, pro-EU politicians left in western Europe, just as the far-right Alternative for Germany party under the control of Frauke Petry continues to grow steadily.

Although it would be simplistic to hang the global surge of nationalism and far-right thinking on Facebook’s algorithms alone, it is undeniable how fast these nationalist far-right political movements are growing, thanks to some key changes Facebook made to its News Feed in 2014.

Two years ago, Facebook announced that it was tweaking the algorithm, ironically, in an effort to defeat clickbait, to favor things like time spent on your News Feed. That meant comments and engagement mattered more than they used to, which meant content that favored identity became even more valuable. It was a watershed moment for Facebook’s ecosystem — its first aggressive step toward resembling apps like Instagram and Snapchat.

According to the New York Times this week, top-level executives at Facebook are just now beginning to consider the role they played in Trump’s presidential victory. Mark Zuckerberg initially described the idea that the fake news currently being shared in huge numbers across its network impacted the election as a “pretty crazy idea.” So there’s a good chance that Facebook’s higher-ups didn’t actually consider what this algorithmic tweak would actually mean in the long run.

Left: a meme from the UK-based Britain First Facebook page celebrating Trump's win and Brexit. Right: a meme from a French page called "Sos racisme anti-blanc" or "S.O.S. anti-white racism." In the picture, Donald Trump says, "It's your turn, Marine," to which Marine Le Pen replies, "OK, Trump, I'm coming!"

Britain First / Sos racisme anti-blanc

Polarized online spaces in the West like Anonymous, Gamergate, and the men’s rights movement have a single root: frustrated young men who think their place in the society is shrinking. These fringe movements would eventually break through, hit Facebook, go mainstream, and spread around the world.

At the same time, male-driven online communities typically used for sharing memes are mobilizing politically. In the UK, football “banter” culture — which has long held an unspoken connection to racism and sexism — or meme pages like Meninist Posts act as a gateway that can lead young men to more radical alt-right figures like Breitbart columnist Milo Yiannopoulos, or Facebook pages more closely aligned with traditional right-wing ideology, like Britain First. Yiannopoulos positioned himself as an early bridge between Gamergate, men’s rights activists, anti-EU sentiment, and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Yiannopoulos and his followers realized that Trump’s “Make America Great Again" could be abbreviated as #MAGA, a hashtag that has been used in the UK primarily by British lads to abbreviate Magaluf, a Spanish island resort popular for clubbing. There are currently rumors swirling that Yiannopoulos is being considered for press secretary.

But this connection between burgeoning far-right movements and toxic masculinity is happening everywhere. France has racist meme pages, and Florian Philippot, one of the five party vice presidents acting under the National Front candidate Marine Le Pen, has a real Milo Yiannopoulos vibe to him. It also has its own Breibart-like far-right mouthpiece called Fdesouche. In Russia, isolated young men post memes on conservative VK pages and then go on to join the pro-Putin troll farms that dominate Russian media. Australia has a constellation of anti-immigration Facebook groups that connect Australian nationalism and male empowerment, the most notorious being United Patriots Front. Even Japan’s increasingly conservative government is aided by the neto-uyo, an anonymous army of right-wing nationalist trolls who attack anyone who criticizes the government.

Writer Siyanda Mohutsiwa summed up this global phenomenon succinctly in a recent Twitter thread about white male radicalization. “These college-educated young men were then ripe enough to be sold [the] idea that Trump represented a return to Men Being Real Men,” Mohutsiwa wrote. “They are told that feminism is why they can't get girlfriends, that ‘feminization’ of schools is why they didn't do well in high school.”

But their memes have appeal and the most viral ones go mainstream. Their Facebook pages get bigger. Algorithms identify that a user likes one particular page and suggest others, creating an echo-chamber effect that can lead to some pretty scary places. For instance, after a user likes the Australian United Patriots Front page, Facebook suggests more pages to like, such as the National Democratic Party of Australia and Stop The Mosque In Narre Warren. The Britain First page lists Christian Fightback News and Donald Trump as pages you should like next. Facebook’s recommendation engines appear to promote political ideology like any other kind of content, pushing users even deeper.

BuzzFeed News reached out to Facebook to ask whether or not it has safeguards in place for users who become radicalized. At the time of publishing, Facebook has not responded.

A perfect example of this meme gateway is the confounding evolution of Pepe the Frog. Originally created by artist Matt Furie in 2005, the good-natured cartoon frog traveled the dark corners of the internet for almost a decade, mutating and being remixed, though usually staying an apolitical mascot for communities like Reddit and 4chan. When America’s alt-right rose out of those messageboards, Pepe the Frog came with them. Pepe was adapted by far-right trolls into grotesque depictions of white supremacy and anti-Semitism. The most viral examples of those memes broke through the Facebook bubble — and thus popular culture — in such a major way that Hillary Clinton’s website had to write an explainer.

Hossein Derakhshan, known as the "Blogfather" of Iran

Facebook: hossein.derakhshan

Cet homme est systématiquement accusé d'être l'auteur de fusillades ou d'attentats


Si vous voyez le nom de Sam Hyde remonter immédiatement après un attentat ou une fusillade, méfiez-vous.

À chaque fusillade, à chaque attentat, son nom refait surface. Il s'agit de Sam Hyde, un humoriste américain: accusé à tort d'être un suprémaciste blanc, il serait, selon des trolls, l'auteur de plusieurs tueries et attentats aux États-Unis et à travers le monde.

À chaque fusillade, à chaque attentat, son nom refait surface. Il s'agit de Sam Hyde, un humoriste américain: accusé à tort d'être un suprémaciste blanc, il serait, selon des trolls, l'auteur de plusieurs tueries et attentats aux États-Unis et à travers le monde.

Dans ces tweets, il est par exemple accusé d'être l'auteur du massacre de l'université de UCLA en Californie. Le tweet ci-dessus prétend que Sam Hyde était en train de faire une conférence dans l'université, avant d'aller chercher un revolver dans son sac à dos (dans la photo de droite). Ces informations avaient prétendument été relayées par l'Associated Press, ce qui était complètement faux.

@RemoverOfKebabs / Twitter

Le comédien Sam Hyde est un habitué des canulars et des fausses informations, mais on ne sait pas pourquoi il est régulièrement accusé d'être l'auteur de massacre.

Le comédien Sam Hyde est un habitué des canulars et des fausses informations, mais on ne sait pas pourquoi il est régulièrement accusé d'être l'auteur de massacre.

Sam Hyde a probablement gagné en notoriété lors d'une conférence TED de 2013 dans laquelle il faisait semblant d'être un réalisateur de film. Il avait à cette occasion prononcé un discours insupportable sur les merveilles que nous réservait l'avenir.

Sur sa page YouTube, Million Dollar Extreme, on peut voir plusieurs exemples de spectacles et de sketch offensants et dont le but était de mettre le public mal à l'aise. L'AV Club, un site d'actualités sur l'industrie du divertissement, écrivait en 2013 que Million Dollar Extreme «ne faisait pas dans le "clin d'œil" quand il personnifiait ces répugnants habitants du net».

L'année dernière, Sam Hyde et un autre humoriste ont mis au point un canular bizarre où ils publiaient des vidéos menaçant Brianna Wu, la développeuse de jeux vidéo qui est devenue la principale cible du mouvement Gamergate. Dans une interview à BuzzFeed News, les deux hommes expliquaient que leur campagne était censée se moquer du Gamergate lui-même. Pourtant, on ne pouvait pas faire de distinction entre leur satire et d'autres menaces, réelles celles-là, lancées à l'encontre de Brianna Wu.

Sam Hyde a une présence étrange sur Internet, et a attiré l'attention de nombreux haters, en particulier chez les utilisateurs de 4chan. C'est là que les mèmes «c'est Sam Hyde le tireur» fleurissent, bien qu'on ne soit pas sûr qu'ils aient débutés sur le forum.

Million Dollar Extreme / Via youtube.com

Quelle que soit la façon dont Sam Hyde est devenu la marionnette des campagnes de trollage, ce phénomène a été repris avec enthousiasme par certains des représentants les plus sordides d'internet. Le site néo-nazi The Daily Stormer l'a même inclus dans un projet alambiqué visant à inonder la section commentaires de Breitbart de spams antisémites.

Quelle que soit la façon dont Sam Hyde est devenu la marionnette des campagnes de trollage, ce phénomène a été repris avec enthousiasme par certains des représentants les plus sordides d'internet. Le site néo-nazi The Daily Stormer l'a même inclus dans un projet alambiqué visant à inonder la section commentaires de Breitbart de spams antisémites.

Ils ont dit aux commentateurs de spammer les articles les plus lus sur Breitbart avec des commentaires sur les juifs, et de «citer Sam Hyde en faisant comme si tout le monde était censé savoir qui il était».

Contacté par e-mail, Sam Hyde a dit à BuzzFeed News que la campagne du Daily Stormer et la tendance plus large consistant à le citer comme suspect après les fusillades faisaient partie d'une opération de harcèlement antisémite.

«Ils avaient ciblé un certain nombre de gens mais je suppose que c'est sur mon nom qu'ils se sont fixés», donne-t-il comme explication au fait que son nom revienne constamment après chaque tragédie.

«C'est certainement antisémite parce que quand tout a éclaté je recevais déjà des tonnes d'e-mails contenant des trucs du style: "tu es un youpin mort" et "putain de juif communiste"... des merdes de ce genre.»

The Daily Stormer / Via dailystormer.com

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Alt-Right Trolls Are Trying To Trick People Into Thinking Trump Dossier Was A 4chan Prank


Trump supporters are spreading misinformation about a dossier that was released by BuzzFeed News Tuesday full of unverified allegations against President-elect Donald Trump.

Members of 4chan’s /pol/ messageboard along with members of Reddit’s /r/the_donald are currently circulating images like the one below.

Members of 4chan’s /pol/ messageboard along with members of Reddit’s /r/the_donald are currently circulating images like the one below.

It claims that a dossier full of unverified allegations that Russia has compromising information on President-elect Donald Trump, released Tuesday night by BuzzFeed News, was actually a hoax perpetrated by 4chan.

As reported by BuzzFeed News, the dossier's source is understood to be a former British intelligence agent whose past work was described by CNN as credible and the New York Times as "a competent and reliable operative with extensive experience in Russia." The allegations in the dossier are unverified, and the report contains errors. The papers were reportedly brought to several media organizations in the lead-up to the election.

The dossier was mentioned in a Mother Jones piece published a day before a 4chan post referencing a "sex tape". And the New York Times reported that the papers had been circulating among journalists since the fall of 2016.


Trump supporters are pointing to a general election thread on 4chan from early November 2016 as proof that the dossier was a prank.

Trump supporters are pointing to a general election thread on 4chan from early November 2016 as proof that the dossier was a prank.

In the thread, a user screenshot a tweet linking to a Mother Jones article about a veteran spy giving the FBI information about a possible Russian operation to cultivate Trump.

In the thread, a user screenshot a tweet linking to a Mother Jones article about a veteran spy giving the FBI information about a possible Russian operation to cultivate Trump.

Twitter: @WDFx2EU49

An anonymous user with the ID number zNaYmBg5 commented below the tweet writing, "So they took what I told Rick Wilson and added a Russian spy angle to it," implying that they were the source of the information reported by Mother Jones.

An anonymous user with the ID number zNaYmBg5 commented below the tweet writing, "So they took what I told Rick Wilson and added a Russian spy angle to it," implying that they were the source of the information reported by Mother Jones.


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Trump Supporters Online Are Pretending To Be French To Manipulate France's Election


Welcome to “The Great Liberation Of France.”

BuzzFeed News was recently given access to a chatroom called The Great Liberation of France, which is hosted on a Slack-like messaging platform called Discord.

BuzzFeed News was recently given access to a chatroom called The Great Liberation of France, which is hosted on a Slack-like messaging platform called Discord.


The head of this particular Discord group is a user that goes by @trumpwin2016. BuzzFeed News has reached out to them for comment.

The head of this particular Discord group is a user that goes by @trumpwin2016. BuzzFeed News has reached out to them for comment.


The large majority of the work being done in The Great Liberation of France is based around creating fake Facebook and Twitter accounts to manipulate French social media users.

The large majority of the work being done in The Great Liberation of France is based around creating fake Facebook and Twitter accounts to manipulate French social media users.


Users in the Liberation chatroom want to create as much chaos on social media as possible to make right-wing candidate Marine Le Pen and her supporters in the National Front (FN) seem like the most legitimate voice in French politics.

Users in the Liberation chatroom want to create as much chaos on social media as possible to make right-wing candidate Marine Le Pen and her supporters in the National Front (FN) seem like the most legitimate voice in French politics.


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Trump Supporters And Neo-Nazis Are Using Secret Chatrooms To Harass Shia LaBeouf


This article contains offensive language and graphic images.

This weekend, Shia LaBeouf and Jaden Smith set up a livestream called #HeWillNotDivideUs, and they plan to have the camera streaming for the entirety of President Donald Trump's four-year term.

This weekend, Shia LaBeouf and Jaden Smith set up a livestream called #HeWillNotDivideUs, and they plan to have the camera streaming for the entirety of President Donald Trump's four-year term.


4chan's politically active message board /pol/ has been running multiple threads about the livestream since Saturday.

4chan's politically active message board /pol/ has been running multiple threads about the livestream since Saturday.


Moderators on 4chan and Reddit are trying to censor conversation about #HeWillNotDivideUs because users are organizing harassment campaigns against the anti-Trump protesters who are seen on the livestream.

Moderators on 4chan and Reddit are trying to censor conversation about #HeWillNotDivideUs because users are organizing harassment campaigns against the anti-Trump protesters who are seen on the livestream.


An anonymous user gave BuzzFeed News an invite to a 4chan-affiliated Discord group called "Outer Heaven" as well as a Tinychat room called "OPERATION FOLLOW THE RABBIT HOLE."

An anonymous user gave BuzzFeed News an invite to a 4chan-affiliated Discord group called "Outer Heaven" as well as a Tinychat room called "OPERATION FOLLOW THE RABBIT HOLE."


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This Is What Happens When Alt-Right Trolls Get Your Phone Number


“I’ve never had so many people tell me that they wanted to see me die.” WARNING: This post contains graphic content.

It's been almost a full week since Shia LaBeouf and his team set up the #HeWillNotDivideUs live stream. The plan is to have the camera streaming for the entirety of President Donald Trump’s four-year term.

It's been almost a full week since Shia LaBeouf and his team set up the #HeWillNotDivideUs live stream. The plan is to have the camera streaming for the entirety of President Donald Trump’s four-year term.


One of the earliest protesters at #HeWillNotDivideUs was a 22-year-old artist who goes by Paperboy The Prince and asked for safety reasons that BuzzFeed News refer to him as Paper.

One of the earliest protesters at #HeWillNotDivideUs was a 22-year-old artist who goes by Paperboy The Prince and asked for safety reasons that BuzzFeed News refer to him as Paper.

Paperboy Prince of the Suburbs

Paper has appeared regularly with LaBeouf and was with the actor on Thursday night when he was arrested for allegedly scratching and punching a man who was at the #HeWillNotDivideUs event at the Museum of the Moving Image in Queens, NY.

Paper has appeared regularly with LaBeouf and was with the actor on Thursday night when he was arrested for allegedly scratching and punching a man who was at the #HeWillNotDivideUs event at the Museum of the Moving Image in Queens, NY.

Law enforcement arrived at the Museum of the Moving Image at 12:35 a.m. A New York Police Department spokesperson told BuzzFeed News that a dispute began between LaBeouf and a 25-year-old man from the Bronx.

The actor “pulled his scarf, scratched his face, and then punched him,” the spokesperson said. LaBeouf was charged with misdemeanor assault and harassment and was released a few hours later.

Paperboy Prince of the Suburbs

The NYPD spokesperson said the man LaBeouf assaulted was actually anti-Trump, not a Trump supporter, as widely reported on social media. But Paper told BuzzFeed News he thought the person who got into the altercation with LaBeouf appeared to be signaling alt-right groups online via the livestream.

The NYPD spokesperson said the man LaBeouf assaulted was actually anti-Trump, not a Trump supporter, as widely reported on social media. But Paper told BuzzFeed News he thought the person who got into the altercation with LaBeouf appeared to be signaling alt-right groups online via the livestream.


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Trolls Are Trying To Trick People Into Thinking This Purple Bird Facebook Sticker Is A Secret Nazi Symbol


This is really, really dumb and confusing.

You've probably seen "Trash Dove" on your Facebook feed. It's a cheeky and playful purple pigeon sticker pack that has completely dominated social media in the last few weeks.

You've probably seen "Trash Dove" on your Facebook feed. It's a cheeky and playful purple pigeon sticker pack that has completely dominated social media in the last few weeks.


In Thailand, Trash Dove took off just a few days after the sticker pack was issued by Facebook. On Feb. 7, Facebook page Animals With Paws uploaded a short animated video of a cartoon cat dancing.

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The video has been viewed over 4 million times. And the comments underneath the video are a literal sea of Trash Doves.

Facebook: video.php

Trash Dove has infected Facebook like a virus as people use the lovable bird to clog up the feeds of prominent Facebook pages. Check out the comment section on this New York Times article.

Trash Dove has infected Facebook like a virus as people use the lovable bird to clog up the feeds of prominent Facebook pages. Check out the comment section on this New York Times article.

Facebook: nytimes

There's even a competition — run by a prominent Trash Dove Memes page — offering prizes to anyone who can show they've posted so many Trash Doves that they've been blocked from posting stickers.

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Facebook: TrashDoveMemes

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Meet The Online Porn Pioneer Who Created A News Site For Internet Trolls


Photo Illustration by BuzzFeed News / Getty / Matt Furie

The video opens with a man in his fifties in a dark suit and horn-rimmed glasses like ones Tom Hanks might wear to play a 1960s FBI agent. An onscreen graphic identifies him as Jim Cherney as he reads slowly from a cue card.

“Welcome to The Goldwater,” he says, “where we provide an informative view on today’s alternative news headlines.”

With headlines like “Anti-Trump Liberals Throw Tantrums by Refusing to Pay Taxes,” The Goldwater appears to be another of the many pro-Trump conservative websites that have sprung up in the past year. A recent video on its YouTube channel warns, “The Shadow Government Is Rumored To Be Conspiring Against President Trump.”

But The Goldwater isn’t what it seems. The man in the video uses a made-up name. The site’s videos star attractive Filipina women who deliver pro-Trump news in heavily accented English. And at a time when most news sites obsess over generating traffic from Facebook, The Goldwater largely ignores that platform. Instead, everything it does is catered to the trolls, alt-righters, Trump shitposters, and other anonymous members of the internet’s most deplorable message board, 8chan.

Yes, The Goldwater wants to be the pre-eminent news source for internet trolls.

The Goldwater / YouTube

The man funding it is the star of that awkwardly retro welcome video. His real name is Jim Watkins, and he claims The Goldwater attracted a million pageviews last month. But he also acknowledges that many 8channers are puzzled about or downright hostile to the site, which is named for former Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater.

“What has the response been like? Well, they all think we’re a bunch of Jews, because [Goldwater] is a Jewish name,” Watkins told BuzzFeed News in a phone interview. “There’s a lot of people who think that the Jews are running the world.”

Aside from maintaining a board where he shares links to Goldwater content, Watkins says he doesn’t post frequently on 8chan. But he’s well-known to the community because in 2014, Watkins acquired the site from its founder, Fredrick Brennan.

“It’s not a good business decision,” Watkins said of the acquisition. “It doesn’t make money, but it’s a lot of fun.”

Jim Watkins

Jim Watkins / 8chan

Watkins can afford to fund 8chan’s losses thanks to his other internet successes. In the late ’90s, while serving in the US Army, he struck it rich with a pioneering Japanese porn website called "Asian Bikini Bar." (It's no longer online.) Watkins later quit the Army to focus full-time on his company, N.T. Technology, which manages several web properties. He runs the company from the Philippines, where he's lived with his family since 2007. He said he currently spends most of his working hours on The Goldwater, and in his spare time he tends to his pig farm.

Watkins's son, Ron, works for the family business as an admin for 8chan. He isn't involved in The Goldwater but told BuzzFeed News in an email that the site is growing quickly.

"The Goldwater is an interesting project and seems to be gaining more and more momentum each day," he said. "It will be interesting to see where The Goldwater is in a year or two."

Watkins also owns 2chan, the original Japanese message board that inspired the English language knockoffs 4chan and 8chan. (Watkins's ownership of 2chan.net was the subject of a domain dispute from 2chan’s founder, Hiroyuki Nishimura.)

“Hey, I’ve got 15 million people a day looking at my websites,” Watkins said. “I need to give them another news source.”

He said 8channers and people like him don’t want news from the New York Times or the Washington Post, which he called “fake news and propaganda.” Watkins said those two publications are untrustworthy because he believes their owners or major shareholders heavily influence news coverage. During the election, that meant they constantly attacked Donald Trump, according to Watkins.

“We were just watching the mainstream media, and it’s really one-sided against Donald Trump,” he said.

Watkins’ approach differs from the typical hyperpartisan pro-Trump sites in key ways that could work for or against him. His stories eschew the hysterical all-caps headlines that typify so many Facebook-focused politics sites. The Goldwater’s Facebook page has fewer than 20 likes and hasn’t been updated in more than a month. He said the site is beginning to get decent traffic referrals from Google, but Watkins has had issues with Google in the past. His company recently blocked Google from crawling 8chan to index its latest content. This comes after Google itself blocked 8chan from showing up in search results back in 2015.

“Google was using up our resources, just spidering and not sending us any traffic, so we just blocked them,” Watkins said.

As of now, his main focus is on generating traffic from 8chan. A key method for that is the /newsplus discussion board focused on the news of the day. Goldwater staffers regularly post links to the site. Watkins is betting that his combination of straightforward ideological news delivered partly by attractive women with accented English is a winning combination for trolls. Well, that and a few conspiracy theories thrown in, too.

Watkins and his video hosts during the live chat about Pizzagate. Watkins vaped during the show.

YouTube / The Goldwater

Two weeks ago, Watkins hosted a live chat about Pizzagate on The Goldwater’s YouTube channel. Watkins heavily promoted the event on 8chan, as well as on several subreddits.

The live chat crowd had usernames like “Jew Gasser” and “White Guy Speaks.” The show began with Watkins and two of his regular female hosts, Jasalle Jash and Diana Printz, sitting in front of a bookcase, laptops open. A Twitter user named Croc Hunter joined in by sending links and Pizzagate explanations to the on-air crew.

Speaking with BuzzFeed News a few days after the live event, Watkins said he doesn’t believe the pizzeria that has been falsely implicated in the conspiracy was actually a hotbed of child trafficking activity. But he does believe the false claim that Democratic staffers used code words in emails to talk about child trafficking.

“It’s a very hot topic on 8chan and one of the biggest search terms last year on the internet,” he said, explaining why Pizzagate is worth coverage. “Maybe it’s controversial, but that’s what people are talking about. People are disgusted with the way the government was run the last 16 years, so that’s where all that Pizzagate comes from — the absolute corruption behind people that are running the government, and their depravity.”

Over the live chat’s two and a half hours, Watkins strayed from one topic to the next. He joked that the acronym for terrorist group ISIL really means “Islamic Slow-Motion Independent Ladies,” had trouble pronouncing “hummus,” told people not to post revenge porn “because girls won’t want to take nudes,” and added to a discussion about incest by joking, “It’s OK to sleep with your cousin as long as she’s over 18.” Aside from promoting The Goldwater, the only other endorsement he offered was for a blueberry vape flavor.

During the chat, Watkins described The Goldwater as “a public service to provide news to the 8chan community.” In an interview, he said the news site doesn’t have any banner ads and he doesn’t allow ads on their videos, though he is considering changing the latter. Right now it’s a hobby news site funded by a self-described millionaire serving a community Watkins owns but admits doesn’t like him very much. He used to maintain a board on 8chan where he posted photos of his family and of the pig farm he owns in the Philippines. But he stopped posting after he said 8chan trolls took his photos and photoshopped them into things like “Jim having sex with gay horses.”

“I don’t post much on any of the boards — they don’t like me,” he said. “Well, I think the people like me, but the trolls don't really like me.”

It’s a strange scenario, given that Watkins saved 8chan from extinction by purchasing the money-losing hub of racism and misogyny back in 2014. So why don’t they like him? Watkins chuckles and says, “They don’t like anybody.”

Except for Donald Trump.

The Goldwater

During the election, 8chan was a key source of pro-Trump trolling. Memes and conspiracies were birthed in the fever swamps of 8chan’s message boards, such as the Bureau of Memetic Warfare, where white supremacists and internet trolls join in their disdain of “social justice warriors” and the mainstream media.

Ron Watkins, who spends his days working on 8chan, said the election was a huge topic on the site overall.

"Popular topics during the general election included, but were not limited to, Secretary Clinton's health, Wikileaks, Senator Sander's endorsement of Secretary Clinton, FBI investigations, Trump's rallies, time-traveling Pence and the revival of the ancient Egyptian god Kek," he said, adding that some users were against Trump.

Father and son both emphasize the importance of free speech on 8chan. Jim Watkins said he has “absolutist” views of free speech, but added, “I’m not prejudiced against anybody.”

“If you want to say 'nigger' or if you want to say 'spick,' of course you should be able to say that,” he said. “I don’t use those words myself, but our users do.”

Watkins says anyone can do whatever they want on 8chan, so long as it doesn’t break the law. He then offered an example of illegal speech by jokingly incorporating the name of a BuzzFeed News reporter he was talking to: “I’m going to kill Jane tomorrow at the post office.”

In a profile of him last year, Fusion described Watkins as holding “a hodgepodge of expediently adopted political ideals in service to one very clear motivation: extracting cash from the internet.”

Watkins appears to be the perfect hybrid of an old-school webhead, fringe politics consumer, internet free speech absolutist, and rich daddy that a community like 8chan needs to stay in operation. Watkins speaks with genuine pride about what he says the community accomplished during the election.

“I think the users of 8channel helped get Trump elected,” he said. “You’ve got a million people a day looking at 8channel, on a good day. It’s huge.”

Watkins said a Trump ad ran on 8chan for “most of the election,” though he wouldn't disclose who paid for it. According to him, the 8chan's user base is filled with the kind of people who voted for the president.

“Our users are from Tennessee and Kentucky, Kansas, Montana, and places like that — they all voted for Trump,” he said. “The largest board on 8channel was aggressively pushing Trump.”

And so The Goldwater aims to give them the kind of news they want and will trust.

“We’re doing our best to make a high-quality website,” Watkins said. “It’s getting some success. I’m really, really happy with it.”

He’s already hiring more reporters, but also says not everyone is a good fit for his project. “I’m hard to work with,” he says. “I’m a little bit like Trump I guess — I say what’s on my mind.”

Someone Asked Their Group Chat To Look After Their Chocolate Milk And Now People Are Testing Their Friends


The ultimate test of friendship.

Earlier this week, one of Favian Perez's friends, nicknamed "diglett," sent a photo of chocolate milk to their group chat and asked his friends to look after it in his absence.

Earlier this week, one of Favian Perez's friends, nicknamed "diglett," sent a photo of chocolate milk to their group chat and asked his friends to look after it in his absence.

Twitter: @robmyplug

Perez told BuzzFeed News that as soon as diglett sent the image, he and his other friends went along with it because they immediately knew it was a reference to the Chocolate Milk Threads meme that started on 4chan in 2008.

Perez told BuzzFeed News that as soon as diglett sent the image, he and his other friends went along with it because they immediately knew it was a reference to the Chocolate Milk Threads meme that started on 4chan in 2008.


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The Far Right's Most Common Memes Explained For Normal People


To use the internet in 2017, you need to have some level of familiarity with the tropes and signposts of the type of trolling that comes from the alt-right movement and various flavors. But most normal humans, rightfully, run the fuck away as soon as they see a Pepe. This guide is for you (presumably, a normal human).

Some of these terms are not totally specific to the alt-right, but come from the soupy mix of 4chan, Reddit, men’s rights activists, Gamergaters, pickup artists, and white supremacist and Nazi sites that eventually gave birth to the alt-right. Imagine all these things as different bubbles in a Venn diagram with the alt-right in the middle.

This guide aims to help explain some of those weird images and words you may have seen popping up in comments sections or on social media.

Outside Your Bubble is a BuzzFeed News effort to bring you a diversity of thought and opinion from around the internet. If you don’t see your viewpoint represented, contact the curator at bubble@buzzfeed.com. Click here for more on Outside Your Bubble.

These Women Found Out Their Male Friend Was Posting Their Photos And Information On 4chan


A criminal complaint has been filed with Toronto Police by a woman who says nude photos were shared without her consent.

This is Sophia Sadoughi, one of five women who uncovered that a Toronto comedy writer and photographer — well-known in the city's arts scene — was sharing photos and social media account information about his female acquaintances on 4chan.

This is Sophia Sadoughi, one of five women who uncovered that a Toronto comedy writer and photographer — well-known in the city's arts scene — was sharing photos and social media account information about his female acquaintances on 4chan.

Sophia Sadoughi

It started with a post on 4chan, dated March 14, that included Sadoughi's Snapchat username along with that of four others. "Here are some sure wins," the post read. "Start with a chat, not dick."

It started with a post on 4chan, dated March 14, that included Sadoughi's Snapchat username along with that of four others. "Here are some sure wins," the post read. "Start with a chat, not dick."

4Chan is a message board that's a notorious home for internet trolls and misogynistic rhetoric. Sadoughi told BuzzFeed Canada the thread where her and other women's Snapchat usernames were posted was a place where users shared tips on where to find nude images of women. It was "more or less 'sluts to easily get nudes from and send dick pics to,'" she said.

Sadoughi said a friend found the post after suddenly getting dozens of Snapchat friend requests from strangers.

"I went to check and sure enough I had a plethora of pending adds from that night as well," Sadoughi said. She then started tracking down the other women listed to find the connections between them.


That led them to Ren Bostelaar, a Toronto man known for being one of the people behind the popular parody Twitter account @stats_canada.

That led them to Ren Bostelaar, a Toronto man known for being one of the people behind the popular parody Twitter account @stats_canada.

CBC / Via youtube.com

Sadoughi said she has known Bostelaar for several years after meeting via Twitter, and they have many friends in common.

"It didn't take long before I realized Ren was the sole link between the five of us," said Sadoughi. "Four of us were all located in Toronto as well, which raised even more suspicion."

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Here's How Far-Right Trolls Are Spreading Hoaxes About French Presidential Candidate Emmanuel Macron


“Meme Macron out of existence… We need to stop this creep Macron from cucking up Europe.” WARNING: This post contains graphic images.

On Sunday night, this 4chan thread appeared a few hours after pro-EU centrist and former investment banker Emmanuel Macron and far-right populist and former leader of the National Front Marine Le Pen were declared winners of the first round of France's presidential election.

On Sunday night, this 4chan thread appeared a few hours after pro-EU centrist and former investment banker Emmanuel Macron and far-right populist and former leader of the National Front Marine Le Pen were declared winners of the first round of France's presidential election.

The thread was posted on 4chan's /pol/ board, which has become a central hub for far-right extremism over the last few years.

Users post anonymously on the message board, but the country their IP addresses belong to show up as tiny flags next to their randomly generated user IDs.


The thread was started by a Swedish user who asked members of the community if they could help him create memes and misinformation about Emmanuel Macron that could then be translated and spread across the web.

The thread was started by a Swedish user who asked members of the community if they could help him create memes and misinformation about Emmanuel Macron that could then be translated and spread across the web.


The original poster suggested they focus on a narrative that Emmanuel Macron was secretly sleeping with his wife's 30-year-old daughter, Tiphaine Auzière.

The original poster suggested they focus on a narrative that Emmanuel Macron was secretly sleeping with his wife's 30-year-old daughter, Tiphaine Auzière.

The age difference between Macron and his 64-year-old wife, Brigitte Trogneux, has become the subject of widespread international attention. Trogneux was Macron's high school drama teacher.


An American user then appeared in the thread and put in a photo of Auzière superimposed over Macron, writing "something to start memeing about."

An American user then appeared in the thread and put in a photo of Auzière superimposed over Macron, writing "something to start memeing about."


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